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themselves? Click here.
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- Edward Pardue
T is for Terrible
H is for Hell
U is for Ugly
G is for Jail
( Cuz a THUG kan't spell ) -Tracy Smothers
Smoky Mountain Memories... ah, days like this
I like to pop open a can of
Diet Pepsi, light a cigarette and just think
back on the days I spent at Methodist College in
Fayetteville, NC. The best times of my life were
spent watching Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Of
course there were "name " wrestlers
who would come in for a given length of time,
but only a few stuck around for the entire
duration of the promotion. Two who did were
Tracy Smothers and " Dirty White Boy "
Tony Anthony.
Not a doubt in my mind these two good ol boys could set the promotion
on fire. Smothers was trained by " Bullet " Bob Armstrong, and
formed the team of " The Wild Eyed Southern Boys " with Steve
Armstrong. The Southern Boys worked every major region in the South (
Florida, Continental, even a few JCP shows.) They won the WCW U.S. Tag
Team Titles as " The Young Pistols " (Jim Herd and the boys
trying to cash in on YOUNG GUNS II...) before Smothers left WCW in
Anthony, a fifteen year veteran or so, had wrestled with another
" Dirty White Boy " by the name of Len Denton. They worked for
years as both DWB's and a masked team called " The Grapplers
". However, Tony's heart was in Tennessee and when Cornette called,
Anthony answered. Smoky Mountain Wrestling would be his, and Smothers',
home during the entire run. Best friends, right? Well, not at first.
Actually, bitter enemies would be more appropriate. Anthony, doing his
damnedest to rile Smothers up, actually betrayed SMW and The South by
" moving to New York." ( God, can you imagine the commute? )
He even set Smothers' Confederate flag on fire at one point.
The feud came to a head in a bloody Tennessee Chain Match, a match
Smothers had never competed in and a match Anthony, and his mentor Ron
Wright were masters of. (Wright was involved in chain matches with the
late Whitey Caldwell in the early 70's, so Wright was a definite
advantage for Anthony.) More...
you'd like to discuss the SMW region with
other fans, please visit the KM
Message Board |

DVD/VHS Store 4
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Replica Masks 4
Click here
to purchase pro quality replica wrestling masks of all your favorite
old school masked wrestlers.
Store 4
The KM Store now features products featuring the GCW logo as well as
some other very cool images. To see what's new and to purchase
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Message Board 4
to chat with other fans of regional wrestling? This message board
has forums for over two dozen promotions. Click here.
Belt Gallery 4
section contains an extensive title belt gallery... images of heavyweight,
tag, U.S. and various regional title belts. To view it,
click here.
School Tape Review 4
of various PPV's, commercial tapes and regional wrestling TV shows
are available in this section. To read more, click here.
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