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- Arnold Schwartz
May 23rd 1999.
I was on the phone with my girlfriend Martha (now my wife). My
mom came running up the stairs, telling me a wrestler just died on pay
per view.
Stunned out of my mind, I wondered who and how. Had
some psychotic
fan jumped the rail and done the unthinkable?
Had a wrestler suffered a heart attack in the ring? And finally who? I
knew it was a WWF wrestler but who?
After we hung
up, I turned on the TV wondering if
there was any
news about it. My body went cold and I
quickly sat down
as Owen Hart’s photo was shown on all
the Canadian
channels as the newspeople reported the
I cried. Deal with
I phoned Martha
back upset and she listened confused
as to who I was
talking about. "Who is Owen Hart?" she
"He's Bret's little brother and one of my
heroes", I replied. The irony in all this was that up until this tragic
moment Owen was always known as Bret's little brother in
the wrestling world. The next day the title was reversed
as in news story after story with Bret Hart the
captions ran "Owen Hart’s brother". I spent the next day
at work watching crowds gather around the TV’s in my
store watching the news clips of Owen's death. I spent
the day listening as fans and non-fans expressed
opinions back and forth. Newspapers nationwide carried
the story on the front page. Owen unmasked in the ring
attended to by EMT's. I personally spent the last two
years trying to bring closure to my feelings in all
this. I have struggled on whether to remain a wrestling
fan or not. Struggling to understand something that
just isn't
supposed to happen.
But none of that
is what this month’s Stampede memories
is about. It's not about Owen's death. Nor is
it about the
controversy that continues about wrestling going extreme. It's not about
my self-righteous
opinions either. I'll spare y'all it this month and this month only!!
This month’s
thoughts are about an Owen Hart I saw shine for a very
brief time in Stampede Wrestling. Owen’s career there
was short… just 1986-1989. He never won dozens of titles like his
brothers did. In a way he was completely opposite
and removed from
his Hart brothers legends that proceeded
him. While Bruce, Bret, and Keith spent years and
years building
reputations and feuding in years long
feuds, Owen
broke into the area faster then all
before. He was
gone just as fast. More...
you'd like to discuss the Stampede region with
other fans, please visit the KM
Message Board |

DVD/VHS Store 4
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Replica Masks 4
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old school masked wrestlers.
Store 4
The KM Store now features products featuring the GCW logo as well as
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Belt Gallery 4
section contains an extensive title belt gallery... images of heavyweight,
tag, U.S. and various regional title belts. To view it,
click here.
School Tape Review 4
of various PPV's, commercial tapes and regional wrestling TV shows
are available in this section. To read more, click here.
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