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This month's story
is not lengthy in words but in lessons learned, it is immense. I
want to share a story that's sad but true concerning my first wrestling
match and the way that I was broken into the business of wrestling and
The year was 1980 and I was wrestling against Billy Howard in a live
television match that was broadcast over, I believe, Channel 41 in
Kansas City, Kansas. The match took place in the Kansas City Memorial
Hall. I was very nervous about how I would do; I was very nervous about
how I looked; and I was very nervous about wearing my wrestling shorts
for the first time in front of an audience. Please remember that I
was a Kansas boy, barely wet behind the ears and literally shaking in my
wrestling boots.
The match proceeded much in the manner that it was supposed to. I
tried to focus on what I was taught and trained to do. I tried not
to focus on the crowd, even though I could hear them in the back of my
head cheering me on. Also, in the back of my head was the nagging
thought of "what if my behind was showing too much" with all
the bending and being thrown around and throwing Howard around. I
mean, I literally kept pulling down the hemline of the legs of my pants
in fear that my butt would show.
I guess that I must have been pretty obvious to my opponent because some
ten or eleven minutes into the match, I bent down to allow him to
execute a Sunset Flip and, you guessed it, that joker pulled my pants
down and the fear of all fears was realized....all on live television.
It was a rude awakening but I guess the experience was like jumping out
of an airplane for the first really will never experience
worrying about a television audience and a live one ever seeing your
hiney ever again.
See you next month.
Art Crews
a/k/a The Kansas Cowboy
a/k/a The Blonde Bomber

DVD/VHS Store 4
Click here to purchase DVD or VHS
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Replica Masks 4
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old school masked wrestlers.
Store 4
The KM Store now features products featuring the GCW logo as well as
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Belt Gallery 4
section contains an extensive title belt gallery... images of heavyweight,
tag, U.S. and various regional title belts. To view it,
click here.
School Tape Review 4
of various PPV's, commercial tapes and regional wrestling TV shows
are available in this section. To read more, click here.
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