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- Scott Keith
- Live
from Baltimore, Maryland.
- Your hosts are Jim Ross & Bob Caudle.
- Opening match: "King of the Hill" double ring battle royale
finals. Kinda like the Bunkhouse Stampede of years past, the NWA held a
series of battle royales, with 20 of the winners competing here in the
for a bunch of money. Whee. When you're eliminated from the first ring,
you go to the second ring and another battle royale ensues for the
losers. Winner of A v. Winner of B for the money. Don't blink or you'll
miss a blond Scott Hall. And of course, to completely negate the point
of the thing, Sid Vicious wins ring A and Dan Spivey wins ring B
and they agree to split the money rather than fight. An interesting
opener with a cheap ending. I don't rate battle royales.
- Brian Pillman v. Bill Irwin. This is pretty soon after Pillman's NWA
debut. Straightforward Pillman match which he wins with a bodypress off
the top rope of the opposite ring. Decent enough. **
- The Skyscrapers v. The Dynamic Dudes. Here's a kicker for ya: The
Skyscrapers had the love and respect of the "smart mark" fans
in the audience here, and those fans hated current smark darlings Shane
Douglas & Johnny Ace. When Sid is in they cheer, and when Sid isn't
in they chant "We want Sid!". That, my friends, is why Sid got
pushed as much as he did despite sucking: Because the NWA *listened* to
what the fans wanted to see. Not just company line like the WWF spews,
but they
actually paid attention and got rid of what didn't work instead of
pushing down people's throats. We'll pretend that the Dynamic Dudes
didn't exist for the sake of argument here. Johnny gets the hot tag but
Sid won't sell anything (or he might have trying and just couldn't do
it...) and inevitably the Dudes get their asses handed to them and Ace
gets pinned after two powerbombs. Sid had that "it" aura about
him at this time, much like Goldberg has today. *
- Tuxedo
street fight: Paul E. Dangerously v. Jim Cornette. No crap, they really
did fight in the ring here. And they both cheat constantly here, no
surprise. I'm still not 100% sure why they hate each other so much (it
seems to just be one those Shawn-Bret "They just do"
situations, rather than a Shane-Shawn "One guy pissed off the
other" situation). To explain this in context of the storyline,
it's the final variation on the Midnights v. Midnights feud, with the
managers fighting even after Rose & Condrey were bounced from the
NWA by Lane & Eaton. Pretty stiff shots for a comedy match. These
guys seem to be taking this seriously, working it like an actual
wrestling match and succeeding despite a total lack of talent. Paul E
with a handful of powder, but
Jimbo kicks it back in his face and rips off the tux for the win. No
rating, I don't rate tuxedo matches.

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Belt Gallery 4
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School Tape Review 4
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