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![]() Where Wrestling's Regional History Lives! |
- John Baumer ---Opening montage, which considering the time was pretty well done. Portland Wrestling is brought to you by Tom Peterson's, the happy place to buy. ---Don
Coss opens the show up. He
tells us that we missed a mixed tag match with Steve Doll & Ginger
vs. Scotty the Body (Raven) & Veronica since we weren't at the arena
live. No result is given.
He announces the Southern Rockers (Doll & Rex King) are
leaving the PNW to go on a world tour and their last appearance will be
January 27th at the Sports Arena and there will be a big party.
The Rockers are asking for a title shot at the Wrecking Crew next
week so they can take the belts on their world tour.
We find out the Grappler has put a $5,000 bounty on Rip Oliver.
Grappler comes in and cuts a promo, saying he will put Oliver out
of the PNW. He says he is
glad the Rockers are leaving and wishes they would leave right now.
He says Brian Adams is in a dangerous match tonight against Billy
Jack Haynes (kendo stick) and may not be able to wrestle next week, but
since he could just team with the Equalizer he will accept the Rocker's
challenge to defend the tag titles next week.
#1: Jeff Warner vs. Al Madril. Don
Owen introduces Madril as the man who hates little kids, but had to pay
for them to get into the arena last week (he had lost a stip match and
as a result had to pay for all the kids to get into the arena for free).
Madril takes the mic and cuts a promo and says the next time kids
are let in for free he doesn't want to wrestle.
Funny that kids were free usually every other Tuesday or so and
Madril was always there. Coss
once again puts over how great the mixed tag match was and says we all
should have been at the arena
live so we could have seen it. He
also puts over Warner being Rookie of the Year 1989.
Jonathan Holliday comes to ringside.
Holliday is doing the gay gimmick here, complete with pink
umbrella. He takes a seat
and cheers on Warner, since the gimmick is Holliday has a crush on
Warner. Coss says that
Holliday was happy when the 1990s began because he thought it was going
to be like the 1890s, which were called the gay 90s.
Finish comes when Madril tries to steal Holliday's umbrella and
they get into a tug-o-war. Warner
sneaks up on Madril and rolls him up for the win.
Holliday then pokes Warner in the butt with the umbrella, to
which Coss replies, "Ohh now, you don't just go poking around back
interviews Scotty the Body. Coss
mentions Scotty and Veronica didn't do to well earlier tonight, so I
guess they lost. He puts
over how he left Ginger at the alter and dumped her for Veronica.
Ginger comes out and levels Scotty with a slap.
Scotty grabs Ginger and Veronica breaks eggs in her hair.
for Rowdy Roddy Piper returning to the Portland Memorial Coliseum, along
with the Ultimate Warrior, when the WWF returns to town on January 24th.
#2: Beetlejuice (Art Barr) vs. Bill Francis.
It's time for the weekly babyface borefest.
Owen introduces it as a scientific match-up, because it will be a
nice break from all the rough stuff we've been seeing.
Tradional Beetlejuice entrance with all the little kids running
around the ring with him. Scotty
the Body joins the announce team, and rings in with the following joke:
"A little kid came up to me the other day and was crying.
I asked him why he was crying and he said his mommy beat him.
So I asked why he didn't go live with his dad, and he said his
dad beat him. He said he
wanted to go live with Steve Doll.
I asked why he wanted to live with Steve Doll, and he said
because Doll never beats anyone."
The match, of course, ends in a time limit draw as every babyface
match always does. The
match was totally boring, but the real stars of the show, Coss and
Scotty, are hilarious on the PBP.
---Al Madril's Fiesta Garden interview segment. Veronica helps Madril plug the upcoming events this week. Ginger comes out and informs Veronica that she just talked to Don Owen and they were having mixed tag rematches in every town this week. Plus, next week at the Sports Arena they will go one on one. They then get into a catfight as Madril cheers for them to rip each other's clothes off. Doll and Scotty pull them apart. More...