Territories 4
section contains monthly articles on over two dozen territories. To
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section contains stories from the pros themselves told exclusively
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- Scott
This was done early in 2000 at Bret’s home in
Calgary. For those who have asked, this and all
other shoot interviews I’ve reviewed are
available at
- Various clips of Bret to start. It should be
noted that Bret is wearing a Nickelback
sweatshirt, long before they broke really huge,
thus making him that much cooler. In fact, it
was only when radio stations up here started
jumping all over “The State” that they even
got significant notice in Canada. Of course,
they finally decided to come back home here in
Alberta for a show in January, and they ended up
selling out the Coliseum in something like a
day. Of course, if certain afternoon DJs would
float me a pair of tickets my pain might be
lessened somewhat…
- Bret started as a kid, selling programs at
Stampede shows and sucking up the ambiance. He
got into amateur wrestling in high school, but
he ended up failing out of the academic end of
things as a result. He wasn’t good enough to
make a career out of the “real” wrestling
(“I didn’t want to become one of those
burned-out Phys-Ed teachers, or whatever they do
after their career is over,” were his words).
Stu talked him into going pro, although Bret had
fears that he might hurt his Olympic eligibility
by doing so.
- He was mainly used as a referee until the boys
smartened him up. Like most wrestlers, it
wasn’t anything he didn’t already know, but
it was nice to hear it from them. He spent a
little time in Texas, hanging out with his
dad’s friend Dory Funk and doing jobs for
Dennis Stamp, which those of you who have seen
Beyond the Mat will probably know.
- He was officially trained by a pair of
Japanese wrestlers that his dad was shielding
from the US Immigration services by giving them
jobs. They drilled into him the importance of
learning to fall, and he spent the better part
of three months doing so.
- He doesn’t think much of Bruce or Keith as
workers. Did some early matches with Dynamite
and got the shit potatoed out of him. They
became friends later. The Kid relates the same
story in his book.
- He did a stint in Puerto Rico because Bruce
chickened out and lost a ton of weight due to
illness. Came back to Calgary in ’78 and took
off from there.
- Got his first ever concussion via a Tiger Mask
missile dropkick. Didn’t like working the
junior heavy style in general, because he felt
it was sort of beneath him in terms of the style
he was taught. Plus they beat the hell out of
him every night over there.
- He had some great matches with Dynamite back
in Stampede, including the first ever ladder
match, complete with requisite suicide bump from
the Kid.

DVD/VHS Store 4
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Replica Masks 4
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Store 4
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Belt Gallery 4
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School Tape Review 4
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