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- Brandon Truitt
The tape opens with a bad music video montage of the Midnight
Express circa 1987, as it is the Eaton and Stan Lane version
of the group, and is nearly 10 minutes long.
The interview opens with the standard question of how he got started in
the business. He was always a big sports fan and would go to the matches
in Alabama every Friday night and got to know the promoter, Gus Gulas,
who was the brother of the famous Tennessee promoter Nick Gulas.
Gus eventually got him on the ring crew and, between setting up and
match time, they’d work out in the ring doing all kinds of crazy
moves. He starts making jokes about how bad the truck was that they used
to transport the ring with. One night, he came to the arena and found
that one of the wrestlers had no-showed. Since the guys knew he’d been
working out in the ring, they asked him if he wanted to wrestle and he
jumped at the opportunity. They eventually started booking him more
often until he was booked every day of the week.
Who were his favorite wrestlers growing up? Jackie Fargo, Al
Green, Don Green, Len Rossi, The Interns with Ken Ramey, etc., who were
just guys who got pushed around that time. He explains the whole Interns
gimmick, as he says Ramey would go to the ref for the pre-match
instructions then go instruct his Interns to do the exact opposite of
what he’d been told. He puts over Tojo Yamamoto as a guy who
helped him out by teaching him psychology and says they became very good
friends. He mentions that he’d have liked to be a football player as
well as a wrestler, but things just didn’t work out and his wrestling
career just took off.
What was the locker room atmosphere like? It was very secretive. No one
ever dressed together, etc. because kayfabe was in full effect. Tojo had
told him that if he ever did something to sacrifice the business, there
were guys who’d seriously mess him up.
Were there a lot of old-school people who thought "It’s all going
to end!" once kayfabe started dying? Yes, and even today he doesn’t
like to sit down talking with his opponent laying out their match that
night with a bunch of people watching.
Where was the territory where he got his first big push? Mid-South in
Louisiana, as Bill Watts had brought in him, Dennis Condrey,
Jim Cornette to manage them, and Bobby’s father-in-law Bill
Dundee as a booker in exchange for sending Jim Neidhart, Rick
Rude, and a few other people who weren’t worth too much back then
to Jerry Jarrett in Memphis. Bobby, Dennis, and Cornette as a
group helped draw some of the biggest crowds in Mid-South as the
Midnight Express against both the Rock and Roll Express and the
team of Bill Watts and Stagger Lee (Junkyard Dog under a mask).
He says that Cornette went crazy down there because "those people
in Louisiana were insane." He says that Watts didn’t say who was
going to be the main event of his big Super Dome shows until the day of
the show due to his TV airing on Saturdays. He feels that if the
Midnights vs. Watts and Lee match had been promoted as that main event
ahead of time, like most main events are these days, that they would
have drawn even more money. (As it turned out, the Superdome was the
only arena where the Midnight Express didn’t set the record gate
because it BARELY missed the high mark set by the Junkyard Dog vs. Michael
Hayes feud where the Freebirds "blinded" JYD with hair
Jim Cornette - He’d been a hanger-on in Louisville, where the Jarretts
ran shows each week, and he eventually became a manager for them down in
What were his early impressions of Dennis Condrey? It was a lot of fun
working with him. They had a lot of chemistry and it showed in the ring.
It made it easier for them to come up with ideas in the match when they
worked together so well. They didn’t get on each others nerves by
travelling together for so long because when they day was over, they’d
both go to their homes and they wouldn’t hang out together. Dennis and
Cornette had a LOT of arguments, though.
Bill Watts - Watts threw his hamstring out while kicking them when he
came out of retirement to wrestle them. He got along with Watts’ sons
very well. He doesn’t hold anything against Watts because he gave them
a big push and it paid off VERY well. He jokes that he saved a lot of
money there because he never had time to spend it, as Watts always had
them on the road. More...

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