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- Brandon Truitt
start off with footage from Jim Crockett Promotion's World Championship
Wrestling show, with Nikita destroying Ric Flair as Ivan
Koloff commentates. Flair eventually knocks down Nikita and gets him
in the Figure Four, but then Ivan jumps him and we have a beatdown until
Dusty Rhodes makes the save.
Next we get a clip from the end of the last match in the Nikita vs. Magnum
TA Best of Seven series for the US Title, the same one shown in the
Magnum TA shoot, as Nikita blasts Magnum with the chain and gets the
three count for the US title.
After that is a clip from the infamous cage match with Dusty and Nikita
against Ole Anderson and JJ Dillon. This is Nikita's
babyface turn coming shortly after his arch-enemy, Magnum TA, wrapped
his Porsche around a telephone pole and was forced to retire. They
destroy Dillon and Ole in short order, then Flair comes to ringside to
threaten the newly formed Super Powers. Nikita sells getting a
face reaction for the first time ever VERY well, as he's in shock until
he climbs the turnbuckle and starts making the "I want the
belt" motion towards Flair.
The interview starts with the standard question of how he got started in
the business, but not before Nikita jokes about how he must have shocked
the Hell out of people now that he's speaking fluent English after years
of just Russian while kayfabing. He entered the business while
attempting to train for a football league, but Animal of the Road
Warriors (a former football teammate) asked him if he wanted to get
in the business. He was told to call up Jim Crockett, which he
did and admitted that he'd never been in the ring before.
He says Crockett ribbed him by claiming he had been told he had all
kinds of experience, but then told him to show up on a certain date with
his head shaved. He was 285 pounds and cut to shreds, so when Crockett
talked to him and saw his body, he told Ivan Koloff and Don Kernodle
(the current tag champions) that he was being paired with them. All he
had to do at first was stand in the back of their interviews and look
big and bad. The next night there was a TV taping and he was scheduled
to wrestle, but he got there later than he was supposed to and didn't
get a chance to work out in the ring first. After conferring with
Crockett, Ivan told him "don't trip on the ropes getting into the
ring", as Crockett had said it would get him fired immediately.
Training- From there, he was given on-the-job training by Ivan and
Kernodle before he'd go out and squash someone in 15 seconds flat. He'd
then watch Ivan and Kernodle's match and Ivan would critique what Nikita
did in his match.
Was he a fan growing up? Not really. He said that he graduated from the
same high school as Verne Gagne (Robbinsdale High School, which
also includes amongst its alumni Rick Rude, wrestler / internet
columnist Tom Zenk, Barry Darsow (Demolition Smash, Kruscher
Kruschev), and "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig).
He'd watch a little AWA every once in a while, mainly because he used to
train at Jesse Ventura's gym and wanted to see Jesse wrestle.
First impressions of the road- He sold his gimmick as a newly-arrived
Russian immigrant by never speaking English in public and never showing
that he knew exactly what people were saying. The only place he ever
spoke English was in the car with Ivan so, in order to sell the gimmick,
Ivan had to go around and help Nikita get his apartment, hook up the
utilities, and get a gym membership. He went months without paying
membership fees at the gym in order to sell the "doesn't understand
English" part of his character. He tells a funny story about the
manager trying get the dues by speaking slowly. "Ni-ki-ta... we...
need... mon-ey... mem-ber-ship... mon-ey..." Eventually, the just
told him "Nikita... bring... Ivan... to-mor-row", so they got
their money when Ivan was there to "translate". He said that
the manager never asked for it before that because he'd seen footage of
him beating people with the Russian chain and decided it wasn't worth
pissing him off until several months of dues built up.
talks about how Kruscher Kruschev was brought in from Mid-South and he'd
heard stories about how "there is a shooting Russian up in the
Carolinas" and, when he found out it was his old high school buddy,
said "I should have known it was you... only YOU could have pulled
this off." More...

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School Tape Review 4
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