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- Brandon Truitt
Before the shoot starts,
we get a clipped version of DiBiase
beating Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy of the Freebirds
to become the second ever UWF champion. After that, we get more
footage of the Freebirds-DiBiase
The first question, for a change, is what it was like growing up in a
wrestling family. Ted compares it to being an army brat and talks
about how his late stepfather, Iron Mike DiBiase
was in the business. He considers him his father instead of his
stepfather considering how close they were and because he never knew
his real father. Amongst the places he's lived were Amarillo,
Portland, Omaha, and Arizona. They mainly shuttled back and forth
between Omaha and Amarillo because Iron Mike was from Nebraska and he
did his best business, money-wise, against the Funks in Texas. Iron
Mike died in the ring when Ted was in the ninth grade in Texas. After
that, he moved back to Arizona before getting a football scholarship
to West Texas State, which has produced more wrestlers than most
wrestling schools.
Did he want to be a wrestler growing up? Yes, as he always idolized
his dad and wanted to be like him, but Iron Mike didn't want him
getting into the business. He feels the same way about his sons today
because of the personal price you pay by being in it. He talks about
how many people he knows in the business have either died or lost
everything they had because of the business and some of the baggage
that comes with it, like alcoholism and drug abuse. "When you're
in the spotlight, you don't go find trouble, it comes and finds
you." He talks about how success in the business is based on
having the right look and being at the right place at the right time.
He relates the story of a huge guy who had been a sumo wrestler and
had everything necessary to succeed but the timing was bad because he
was discovered while Yokozuna was on top of the WWF.
Iron Mike's death- He had a huge cholesterol buildup in his heart and
a propensity for heart disease anyway due to bad genetics, so it
wasn't the match that killed him. It was still devastating for his dad
to die so suddenly
West Texas State- He played alongside such wrestlers as Tully
Blanchard and Tito Santana. After graduating from high
school, he was about to sign a letter of intent to play for the
University of Arizona but he happened to catch an ad for a wrestling
show held by the Funk family. He went there and hung out with Dory
Funk Sr., Terry Funk (another West Texas football player),
and Dory Funk Jr. Of the three, he was always closer with Terry
than the other two and Terry had suggested that he go on a recruiting
to West Texas and he ended up there.
Sidenote- Other notable West Texas State players include Dusty
Rhodes, Barry
Windham, Bruiser Brody, and Stan Hansen.
He talks about how Tito Santana (Merced Soleis) had been drafted by
the Kansas City Chiefs and that he was released in the last set of
cuts that year because they had to keep a lesser player around because
they were already stuck paying him too much anyway. Eventually, Tully
got him into the business.
What was Tully like back then? Good athlete, good quarterback, etc.
When he wrestled against Tully while working for the Funks, he started
cutting promos about their history as teammates but how things were
different in the ring than on the football field. He also starts
talking about how Tully held quite a few records at West Texas,
including the most interceptions ever in a game. He jokes that Tully
got so distraught about how bad he sucked then that he attempted to
kill himself but that someone intercepted the bullet.
Who trained him? The Funks mentored him all throughout his career and
he puts Terry Funk over heavily for his intuition into how things were
going to change in the business. He says that Terry correctly
predicted that things were going to go national, which I can believe
because he and Dory Jr. sold the Amarillo territory several years
before the other groups went national and destroying the territory
system. More...

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