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- Brandon Truitt
Windham, as you may know, is the son of Blackjack Mulligan,
brother of Kendall Windham, and brother-in-law of Mike Rotundo
(Irwin R. Shyster). He's also a multi-time WWF tag champ, a
former NWA champ, a member of the most highly regarded lineup of the
Four Horsemen, and a fairly honest guy. My only problem with him is that
he's a bit scatterbrained and will start a topic but never finish it up
(meaning I have to complete some of his thoughts), but I think that's
residue left over from some nasty concussions he's had over the years.
The tape starts
out with footage of Windham saving someone from the Four Horsemen
(then with Lugar in the 4th slot), beating up Ric Flair pretty
bad in the process and having an impromptu match(?). I think this may
have set up their match at Crockett Cup 87, but I'm unsure of when this
aired. Dusty Rhodes and the Rock and Roll Express come out
to watch Windham's back while takes on Flair, and ends with Windham
winning by DQ after the Horsemen get involved.
The interview
opens as RF is interviewing Windham in the Turnbuckle Championship
Wrestling dojo in Marietta, Georgia. TCW is Dusty Rhodes' current indy
How did he get
started? He was going to West Texas State, which produced some of the
GREAT wrestlers of all time including Terry Funk, Bruiser
Brody, and Tully Blanchard. He got into the business setting
up the ring for Dick Murdoch's territory in 1979. He couldn't
wrestle at first because he was on football scholarship to West Texas,
but JJ Dillon came to town one night and insisted he wrestle him.
He went back to doing grunt-work and learned the business-side of
wrestling from Terry Garvin, whom he puts over heavily. He
refereed for QUITE a while before he was allowed to start wrestling
His father's
reaction- Blackjack never really asked him if he wanted to get into the
business. When he found out Barry was wrestling in violation of his
scholarship, he apparently wasn't happy but didn't say much. (Windham
claims he was fast enough to make it as a pro football player (4.6 40
yard dash at 238 pounds) and could deep-snap, as well as being a heavily
decorated amateur wrestler, so those options were open until he violated
his scholarship)
His first major
territory- He'd worked Amarillo before but that was more like working a
HUGE region rather than a real territory. He thinks he started working
in Florida for Eddie Graham and Dusty Rhodes in February 1980.
Guys he learned
from- He learned a lot by watching Don Muraco. Unlike the current
style in the business, Muraco would be slow and methodical but would
make every single move mean something. Manny Fernandez was a guy
he learned the technical side of the business from. Dusty also coached
him on a lot of stuff.
Tag-teaming with Scott
McGhee- Scott was a lot like him, as they both learned from hanging
around the rest of the guys in Florida.
Jaggers- He's always got a story
to top any that you told him. He could talk and wrestle, but he doesn't
think he'd even get a shot today because he was a heavyset guy and
didn't have "the look".
Graham- One of his best friends.
Hard worker, worked his way up from setting up the ring to finally
wrestling. During the mid-90's while both were working for WCW, they'd
be buying Harley Davidson motorcycles from people up north during the
winter and either keep them or resell them in the south, which allowed
them to pick up a nice amount of pocket change along with some nice
Eddie Graham-
Long-winded, only had a 6th grade education but learned out in the world
VERY well. His suicide was a tragedy and was probably the result of
unchecked mental illness. Had a great relationship with him
Slater- "Like a Terry Funk
clone." Slater watched Funk like Windham watched Muraco. Hard
worker, very stiff. If he hits you, it WILL hurt.
Sullivan- Vivid imagination. He
predicts their shoot with him will be pretty interesting. "He
was like the Devil's Advocate" and came up with a lot of unusual
stuff like having Blackjack, Barry, Kendall Windham, and Mike Rotundo
team up and discuss how they're family.
Teaming with
Blackjack- He'd been riding with Manny Fernandez in Florida when Manny
flipped the truck they were in, causing Barry to get a severe
concussion. Bugsy McGraw, who's now in the medical profession,
was behind them and helped them. Bugsy thought that Barry's head may
have been out the window and hit the ground when the truck flipped.
Barry didn't want to stay at the hospital, so he went home and went to
sleep, and woke up four days later when Blackjack showed up. Blackjack
put him in the passenger seat of his (Barry's) classic Camaro, picked up
his stuff, then took him home to the Carolinas. When he got his marbles
back together, Blackjack told him that he couldn't go back to Florida
and that Jim Crockett was willing to hire him if he'd wrestle as
Blackjack Jr. He says that he looked rail-thin at that time because he'd
lost weight because of the accident and Blackjack was about 6'9"
and 300+ pounds.

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