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- Tyler Merriam - Ahh, yes, The Great Betrayal. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, it's only perhaps the best angle the WWF put together in the 1980s, and probably top ten ever by any wrestling company anywhere. Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff turning his back on Hulk Hogan, which would result in two SNME matches, the first one highlights this edition. So get ready. - Aired October 4, recorded on September 13 of 1986 in Cleveland, OH. The show aired on NBC, of course, but also aired in Canada, and my tape with this and the three following SNME's is a Canadian feed, which matters little to you. - This is the first time they use the wrestlers just randomly making remarks to open up the show. Roberts, Dream Team, Kamala, Orndorff, Hogan. - Vince and Jesse are our hosts, and apparently Roddy Piper is hurt, and Mean Gene is in Piper's locker room. The replay of Adrian Adonis' chair shots to Piper's leg, and the Piper delivers his normally fantastic interview. Piper: "You see, there is a difference between every other wrestler and me. And thank God for that!" - Off to the Hulkster in his locker room: "The old Mr. Wonderful is back. Like you got a new paint job or something." Okay, it was kind of cute, it's a Hogan interview, you expected a masterpiece? - Jesse says he heard a different story, and that triggers Mean Gene with Orndorff and Brain. Heenan: "That albino ape is nothing more than a liar." Heenan says the people will be behind the new champion, and he has music to prove it.
- WWF Championship: Hulk Hogan vs. "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff (with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan) Orndorff comes out to Hogan's theme music, then Hogan lifts Mean Gene out of the way so he can get to the ring and take on Mr. Wonderful. Hogan wins a slugfest early, but goes after Heenan, and Orndorff clotheslines him over the top. Orndorff follows him out, but Hogan regains the advantage as they go back inside. Hogan takes control, and when Heenan gets up on the apron, Hogan knocks him off, but Orndorff again takes over from his interference. Orndorff dominates Hogan, who ends up on top of the timekeeper's table, then he chokes him with the cables outside the ring. After what seems like an eternity, Hogan finally gets back in and Orndorff gets a two count. An Orndorff suplex gets two, but Hogan reverses an irish whip and nails a running knee, and a body slam, but Heenan is able to grab a hold of Hogan's leg. Orndorff tries to nail Hogan, but runs into Heenan and they both end up on the floor. Suddenly, out of the back five of Cleveland's finest carry Heenan to the dressing room. Ventura: "Are these real cops, or Hogan's rent-a-cops?" Heenan is locked in a locker room, allowing the mandatory NBC break to take place. Heenan is still trying to get out but can't, and Orndorff uses a few knees to take back the control. Orndorff is in full control and goes for his patented piledriver, and Hogan backdrops out of it and hulks up. Hogan hits a running elbow and clotheslines him in the same manner Orndorff did it to start the great betrayal. Hogan goes for a piledriver, but Adrian Adonis in drag attacks him and the two double team Hogan. Out of the back Roddy Piper on a crutch limps out and nails Adonis with the crutch, and gets Orndorff out. Then Piper and Hogan almost go after each other, but Piper decides to leave and Hogan seems a little displeased. The match was good enough, with an excellent angle and Adonis in drag was a new thing at that point, until they beat it to death at house shows. Heenan's antics are also must-see. 1 for 1. - After a break, Mean Gene is in a shower (fully clothed) with Jake Roberts, who doesn't recall The Big Event when Steamboat beat him. Then Steamboat is in his locker room with his komono dragon.
- Snake Pit Match : Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat They exchange chops, and the ARM-DRAGon within Steamboat takes over. Steamboat gets a couple of two counts, and another arm drag. Nobody arm drags, or does many things in a ring, as good as Steamboat. Roberts can't seem to do anything right, and he gets slingshot into the corner. Steamboat tries to put him away, but a splash gets all knees. Both crawl for their respective animals, but Roberts forgets that to prevent Steamboat, and takes control by working on the ribs. Short clothesline good for only two by Roberts, and he continues to work over the ribs. More... |