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- Tyler Merriam
From the Hersheypark Arena in Hershey, PA, taped a couple days prior to airing. This is a special Halloween edition of the Main Event, with a Halloween party and some funny and not-so-funny skits throughout the night, which I will get to.
We open up with Jesse and Roddy joking about the poor excuse for a wedding that the Hillbillies had on the last Main Event, and why Roddy has them on Piper's Pit. Then Mean Gene with Terry Funk & Jimmy Hart, and Funk spits tobacco into the camera. That takes us to the video opening.
Vince and Jesse are live in Hershey, and Jesse is decked out in an outfit that looks a bit outlandish, even for Jesse. He's got a huge feather that must be four feet long, about as big as the one that was in Randy Savage's hat during his SummerSlam 91 wedding. We also get shots of fans in costumes, many in wrestling costumes.
Flash back to when Terry Funk gave a ring attendant his hat, and the guy put it on his head. Well, that enraged Funk, and he beat the living piss out of him. Then Mean Gene with Jimmy & Funk, who looks young in a big federation. He looked old even in 1989. They have words for JYD, then we see clips after JYD beat Funk a while back as JYD gets hit with a branding iron about 20 times.
Then JYD says tonight is his night, and "Another One Bites The Dust" plays out the big man from Charlotte.
Funk is on the apron taunting the fans with his back to JYD, so he pulls him back in, punches him, knocks Hart off the apron, and nails Funk again. Then he goes outside and nails Jimmy, then catches Terry climbing over the top and crotches him about 15 times - OUCH!
JYD back inside, and Funk bails on the other side. Finally Funk gets back inside, and we start action. Funk with a body slam, then comes off the ropes and misses an elbow. JYD then hits a slam of his own, then he slams him again, this time onto the floor, and Funk and Hart roll around on the outside.
Back in, lock up, and JYD sends Funk into the corner, and catches him with a bodyslam, then three crawling headbutts send Funk to the floor. The place is WAY into this, as Funk is a huge heel and JYD is the #2 babyface in the company, only to Hulk. Another lockup, JYD goes into the ropes and Hart grabs his leg.

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