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- Tyler Merriam Originally Aired: March 1, 1986 from The Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, Ariz. This one was taped two weeks prior to the airing. Mean Gene Okerlund invades Mr. T's workout for his boxing match on this edition, and T goes nuts on him, which takes to the SNME video opener. Vince McMahon and Jesse "The Body" Ventura open the show, and Jesse is glad to see Hogan taking on someone not waiting on social security (Funk). Also, Jesse's mad that he got left out of the Hogan music video, which is coming up later. Saturday Night's Main Event flashback to Piper's Pit from a couple weeks prior. Piper with Bob Orton has Hulk Hogan, and Piper offers an open contract for a boxing match to Hogan. He says he would love to, but he has a friend, and signs the contract for him. Piper sees the name, and goes crazy. "MR. T!" Mean Gene with "Battling" Bob Orton and Roddy Piper. Piper shows us a newspaper clipping of Mr. T with Boy George, and gives his typical hilarious and great promo. Piper then impersonates Mr. T, which is hilarious as well. Then we go to a WWF Field Report, when T knocks a sparring partner out, and Gene interviews him. Okerlund brings up Rocky III, and T says he took a dive in the movie cause he needed the money. --10 Round Boxing Match BATTLING BOB ORTON w/RODDY PIPER vs. MR. T-- The participants come to the middle and get instructions, and Piper rubs T's head with a towel, pissing T off even more. Piper has the referee distracted, so Orton gets a right hand from behind, then the bell rings and we are underway. T and Orton exchange some jabs in the first few seconds, then Orton grabs T's head and tries a cheap shot, and the ref gives him a warning. Orton gets a few shots, and T goes to a hug. Jesse wants some rough stuff in the corners, as T starts to pound away at Orton. T with a couple left-right combinations, and Jesse tells McMahon he knows nothing about boxing. Orton starts a clean break, but hits a right hand through it, then uses the thumb of his glove in T's eye, stopping the match for a minute. The eye supposedly swelled over shut, as the ring clears and T gets some good shots in as the bell rings to end the first round. As the ref tries to get T back to his corner, Orton from behind with a solid right hand to the kisser. The ref talks to Orton, as I give the round to Cowboy Bob because the ref didn't see all that fun. 2nd Round starts, and Orton is jumping around, being a showboat, and occasionally jabbing T. T gets pissed, nails a nice combination, so Piper distracts the ref, and Orton knees T. This is absolutely great when it comes to heel psychology. T's cornermen complain, so while the ref is there Orton holds T up for Piper, but Piper's right hand hits Orton instead. T decks Piper, then hits a huge uppercut on Orton, knocking him over the top outside, and Mr. T is your winner by countout. While T celebrates, Piper gets into the ring and spits on T, so T clears the ring of his cornermen and gloveless Piper wants a piece of the A-Team member. T turns his back to Orton on the outside, so he hits a knee to the back of the head, throws the ref out, and the two pound away at T, then Piper gets his belt and whips T until finally the cornermen get the heels away. Commercial break. More... |