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![]() Where Wrestling's Regional History Lives! |
- Tyler Merriam Originally Aired: May 11, 1985 All right, here is the first SNME, the first time in 30 years that wrestling was on network television. Wendi Richter & Cyndi Lauper have some words, then Mr. T and Hulk do, and we get the opening that was the same, but with different shots as expected, until 1988. --Six Man Tag Team Match Funny, this is how the wrestling returns to network television. Interesting that the ring apron has a white background with the SNME logo on it, but all the others are the black that the apron would soon become in the second edition. US Express lost the tag team titles to Sheik & Volkoff at WrestleMania I, and then you have two guys who would soon become good friends, Steele and Steamboat. Sheik starts with Windham, lockup, side headlock by Windham. Sheik tries a right hand, it's blocked and Windham nails a couple, and goes back to the side headlock. Off the ropes, shoulderblock knocks Sheik down. Sheik with a leapfrog, but Windham wins a hiptoss battle, Steamboat gets a right hand from the apron, and a Windham slam. Rotundo tagged in, he comes off the top with a flying axe handle, then tag to Steamboat who nails a karate chop off the top on Sheik. Knifeedge chop, then a wristlock by Steamboat. He cinches it in, gets an armbar, then a tag to Rotundo for a double elbow. Rotundo with a body slam, an elbow, but only a two count. McMahon says this is only the second time ever Steele has tagged up (?) as Steamboat is tagged in and gets a wristlock. Sheik sends him off the ropes and gets an abdominal stretch out of nowhere. Steamboat breaks with a hip toss, then hip tosses Volkoff and Steele and the faces clear the ring of the heels. Commercial break, and we come back with George Steele going nuts on the outside, arguing with Blassie as Steamboat hits a powerslam on Sheik, then a missle dropkick, and a flying body press that Volkoff breaks up at two. Windham comes in and clears Volkoff. More...