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- Scott Keith
Your host is, of course, the late Ed Whalen.
- Ed reminisces a bit about the early days of Stu’s career and gives
the matchbook version of the formation of Stampede Wrestling.
- Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title: Hubert Gallant v. Keith Hart.
Keith, whose real career path was as a fireman, was never what you’d
call the most talented of the Harts, as he stuck mainly to the
mid-heavyweight division and tagging with Bret. As with most Stampede TV
matches, we’re JIP at about the 10:00 mark. Keith takes Gallant down
with a toehold and works on that. He stays on the leg with a
figure-four, but Hubert reverses it. It actually turns into an
interesting spot, as Keith then has to fight to get out of the hold
again. Gallant pounds away and gets a gutwrench for two. Snapmare and
kneedrop get two, but like an idiot he uses the injured knee. They fight
over an abdominal stretch and Gallant wins. Keith escapes, but Gallant
gets a backbreaker, but again on the injured knee. Keith finishes him
with a figure-four at 6:04 to win the title. ** See, here’s an
interesting point about the psychology involved here that I never really
thought about until now for some reason: Wrestlers in North America
always work “left”, which I assume everyone reading either already
knows or has noticed by now. If you haven’t noticed that, watch a tape
of any WWF or WCW show and you’ll notice that it’s always the left
arm or leg that gets worked over. However, that leads to an instant
problem, in that guys generally use that leg or arm for their major
moves, and thus the psychology is instantly screwed up unless you play
into the “Man, that guy is dumb for using the injured leg/arm to do
that move!” storyline. I dunno, it’s just weird.
- World Mid-Heavyweight title: Dick Steinborn v. Bruce Hart.
Steinborn pounds away as we pick it up in the third fall (World title
matches were routinely 2/3 falls). Steinborn grabs a chinlock and cheats
to keep Bruce down. Bruce fights back as Steinborn misses a charge, and
Bruce works the arm. Steinborn hides in the ropes, but goes low and
hammers Bruce. Bruce comes back with a kneedrop for two and he pounds
away, and a backdrop suplex gets two. Bruce charges and was probably
supposed to miss, but hits, and they kind of stumble around a bit before
Steinborn bails and posts Bruce. Back in, it gets two. Drop suplex gets
two. Sleeper, and Bruce is in trouble (Steinborn won a previous fall
with it), but makes the ropes. However, Steinborn holds it too long, and
Bruce collapses in the ropes. The ref won’t count it because Bruce was
in the ropes, and orders Steinborn to revive him. Bruce appears to be
out cold, though, and while Steinborn protests, Bruce reveals to the
crowd that he’s bird-dogging, and indeed when Steinborn goes for the
kill, bing-bang-boom, small package, Bruce Hart wins the title at 7:34
aired. Slow match but a classic finish. *1/2
- World Mid-Heavyweight title: Bruce Hart v. Dynamite Kid. Kid’s
looking a little more fleshed out here as we get into 1980. We pick this
up in the second fall, with Kid having won the first one. Kid pounds
away and drops an elbow. Headbutt and chops put Bruce down again and
he’s bleeding freely. Cross-corner whip and elbow get two. Kid misses
a charge, however, and Hart gets the CLOTHESLINE OF DOOM for the pin to
even things up. They brawl outside and Bruce rams him into a nearby
door, drawing an insane bladejob from the Kid. Bruce hammers him like a
madman, but Kid goes low and heads up, missing his swandive headbutt.

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