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- Scott Keith
This is both the best and worst tape in the series,
for completely different reasons. I’m sure the theme here is easy to
figure out.
- Hair v. Hair match: Dynamite Kid v. Bruce Hart. The setup interview
establishes the stipulations, and since Kid already has a crew-cut poor
JR Foley has to be the guy who puts his hair up on Kid’s behalf. JIP
at 10:00 or so. Bruce works the arm and opens a cut on the Kid’s head,
then suplexes him for the double KO. Hart is up first and he stomps away
and grabs an abdominal stretch. Kid tosses him as he escapes. Back in,
DK drops a knee and an elbow, then goes up, but inexplicably falls off
and gets pinned at 3:22. And indeed, JR Foley gets shaved. Pretty bad
match for the Kid. ½*
- Manager v. Referee: JR Foley v. Cedric Hathaway. Cedric is of course
the referee, and he is NOT in wrestling shape. He was always playing the
ultra-babyface ref (a role later assumed by Wayne Hart) while Sandy
Scott was the heel ref (a role later assumed by Ron Hayter), and since
they were actually consistent about their usage of the refs it tended to
be an okay booking device. You at least knew that if that rat bastard
Hayter was reffing things, that the babyface would probably get screwed
over. Anyway, the less-than-intimidating Hathaway pounds away, but Foley
knees him, so Cedric goes low and Foley bails. Back in, Foley goes for a
neckbreaker but Hathaway doesn’t actually know how to take the move or
sell it. So they do it again, and this time Hathaway takes a face-first
bump halfway into the move, which results in JR Foley inventing the
Diamond Cutter in 1980. So there you go. And I guess he’s a
perfectionist, because he does ANOTHER neckbreaker, and Hathaway screws
it up AGAIN before Foley finally gives up and goes to the top before
Hathaway just shrugs all that off and pops up to slam Foley off. This
may have been one of the worst sequences in a wrestling match that
I’ve EVER seen. Cedric gets a Boston Crab, but Foley’s kid Athol
runs in for the DQ at 2:16. This made Kronic v. Undertaker & Kane
look like a decent match. -****
- Battle of the Sexes: Athol Foley v. Wendi Richter. Richter was a heel
at this point, managed by JR Foley, and Athol ran in and screwed up the
interference to cost her a tag match, so Richter was mad. Athol then
challenged her to a match, which was made even weirder when babyface ref
Cedric Hathaway decided to force Athol into taking a match with Richter,
even though he was the one who originally challenged her! Even worse,
neither Richter nor Foley speak English – Richter speaks Hardyish and
Foley is British – so the buildup interview was a total disaster to
listen to. For who have never had the rare privilege of watching Athol
Foley attempt to wrestle, picture David Flair with a mohawk and even
less talent. Sadly, he was British Mid-Heavyweight champion for some
reason. Foley stomps her down and gets two. Richter grabs a headlock,
but gets slammed. She belts him and gets a dropkick to come back. They
stagger through a charge-reverse spot, screwing up the whip portion
twice and the actual charge once, before starting again and getting the
spot right. Foley comes back with a suplex where he changes his mind in
mid-move and turns it into a slam, thus inventing the Jackhammer. Poor
Wendi isn’t quite sure how to go with the move. Foley crotches himself
and gets put into a Boston Crab until JR Foley comes in for the DQ at
5:20. Wow, the same stupid finish two matches in a row. This was a
disaster of epic proportions. -**
- Loch Ness v. Dave Morgan. Kill me now. Yes, this is the same big fat
tub who actually got a contract with WCW in 1996 before dying soon
after. His match with Paul Wight at Uncensored remains one of the
highlights of my life and easily made Netcop Busts. More...

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