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- Scott Keith
Okay, we’re at the end of the run for
the Stampede Wrestling tapes, and they picked the absolute best for last
here, putting all the best matches and angles on this one tape, and the
result is astonishingly great.
- Dynamite Kid v. Davey Boy Smith. Case in point, it’s the battle of
the Bulldogs right off the bat. This was 1980ish, when both weighed 200
pounds combined and Smith was greener than Kermit the Frog, but at least
he cared about his craft then. Kid tosses Smith, allowing Foley to get
his shots in. Back in, Kid clobbers Smith and drops a knee. He goes up,
but gets slammed off and cradled for two. Both down, and Smith rolls
over for two. Kid gets a backbreaker, but apparently the knee was
injured earlier. Davey gets a tilt-a-whirl slam for two. Sunset flip
gets two. Kid pounds him down again and snaps off an elbowdrop for two.
Clothesline and kneedrop, but Davey gets a crucifix out of nowhere for
the pin at 4:22. But wait! It’s evil ref Sandy Scott, so Dynamite
simply clocks him and blames it on Davey Boy, prompting a reversal of
decision after the fact and thus saving Kid’s title. Goofy finish
there. **1/2
- Bruce Hart v. Dynamite Kid. We’re in the second fall of a 2/3 falls
affair and Kid is up 1-0. Same sequence from the last match starts, as
he tosses Hart and Foley gets shots in. Hart grabs Kid from the apron
and rams him into the turnbuckle, allowing Kid to take his usual
dramatic bump, and then takes an even MORE dramatic bump off a
cross-corner whip before Bruce ties up the match with the running
clothesline. Third fall: Bruce drops the leg and pounds away. Another
legdrop and a piledriver get two. Kid fires back, but Hart goes low and
drops an elbow for two. Hart delivers a kneedrop so stiff that he breaks
the Kid’s nose, and they start potatoing each other like 9th graders
as a result. Pretty funny to see Kid lose his temper like that and Bruce
casually hit him right back. Kid drops a headbutt and goes up, but
misses. Bruce goes up, and also misses. Okay then. Kid starts dishing
out the vicious crossface forearms, but Bruce comes back with a backdrop
suplex. They collide and Kid recovers with a full-nelson, but Hart
pushes him over and gets the pin at 7:10. But wait! Once again, Sandy
Scott rears his ugly Scottish head, as he insists to the in-ring NWA
referee that Kid’s foot was on the ropes. While Bruce argues the
legitimacy of that, Dynamite figures “what the hell” and suplexes
Hart, and gets another pin at 8:17, which makes HIM the winner. *** Hart
has finally had enough and gives Sandy an ass-whooping, which the crowd
of course digs.
- Bret Hart v. Bad News Allen. This is not the semi-famous ladder match.
Allen attacks before the bell and pounds away with a pair of hiptosses.
Bret gets his own and backdrops Allen out of the corner, which sends him
scurrying. Bret pulls him in and pounds him with forearms and an
elbowdrop. Bret uses the old bootlace rub, but Allen discombobulates him
before missing a blind charge. Allen gets tied up in the ropes,
but comes back with a headbutt. We’re clipped to him missed a kneedrop
as Bret comes back with a bodypress for two. They slug it out, and Bret
dropkicks him to the floor and follows him out for the no-contest at
5:24. They really should have put the ladder match here. *
- Bret Hart v. Davey Boy Smith. Still in Stampede, this time from 1987
while both guys were on loan from the WWF. Bret is playing heel because
it was a different climate in wrestling then – fans cheered and booed
who they were conditioned to, and Canadian fans cheering heels because
they were Canadian was a relatively rare thing. Besides which, the
British Bulldogs were crazy over as babyfaces up here back then and Stu
would have been insane to waste that kind of money-drawing opportunity.
Bret hits a chinlock, but Davey powers out, and runs into a knee. D’oh.
Bret hammers him in the corner, but gets dropkicked. Bret comes back
with an elbow, but Smith sunset flips him for two. Bret nails him and
goes up, but misses an elbow. Smith clotheslines him and drops him on
his head, then pounds away in the corner. Delayed suplex gets two. Bret
bails and gets retrieved by Smith, who uses a fisherman’s suplex for
two. Bret bails again like a good heel, really making sure to get ALL of
the audience good and pissed off at him, but Smith tosses him back in
again. Davey goes up with a kneedrop off the top and a splash for two.
Bret bails again, and this time a pissed-off Davey Boy pays off the
subplot by gorilla-pressing him and walking through the audience, back
to the ring. More...

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