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- Mike Regan
Dusty Rhodes has one thing to say to us. "Wuuuuuuhh." No,
he's not in the throes of major stomach discomfort. He's just trying to
do Ric Flair's trademark "Whoo!" Which can only mean it's time
for an all-Ric Flair edition of "WCW Classics" (aired August
5, 2000).
It's an interesting show this week, as both matches are important
firsts for this show. But the fun starts right away as Dusty takes
credit for creating Starrcade in 1983 (was Rhodes even working for Jim
Crockett at the time?). He talks about the big main event for that card.
World Champion Harley Race defending against Ric Flair, and that match
will be our opener.
And that is one of our firsts for this show. They actually
acknowledged a match being from a Starrcade. Too bad this match is
clipped all the way to hell.
From Starrcade 1983; NWA World Title
Cage Match:
Harley Race (champion) vs. Ric Flair (challenger); Special referee Gene
We basically just get highlights and the ending from this match. Both
men bleed; Flair heavily (although the match is so clipped down that we
don't get to find out if Gordon Solie calls Flair's face a "crimson
mask"). Race misses the diving headbutt (did he ever connect with
that move?). Kiniski does a ref bump for no apparent reason. Flair goes
for a cross-body off the top rope. Race trips over Kiniski, who counts
the pin. Flair wins the title. The entire match was reduced to about two
Our main event is Flair battling Magnum T.A. from 1985. And this
match marks two significant firsts for this program.
First off, it's the first match that has the familiar Georgia/World
Championship Wrestling on TBS look. The match is held in the old
Techwood studio that housed WCW for so many years. And it's the first
match that features the announcing of the WCW team that I am most
familiar with; Tony (doesn't suck yet) Schiavone and David (annoyingly
hyper) Crockett. More...

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Belt Gallery 4
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School Tape Review 4
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