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![]() Where Wrestling's Regional History Lives! |
- Scott Keith - Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert v. Phil
Hickerson & The Spoiler.
For those who think that WCW cornered the
market on stupid ideas, witness Rich &
Gilbert. The
idea at this point was that they were the “New
Fabulous Ones”, replacing the massively
popular team of Stan Lane & Steve Keirn.
This went over with the Memphis fanbase
about as good as Fake Razor and Fake Diesel did
in 1996. And
speaking of stupid things done by bookers,
you’ve also got fat ugly redneck heel Phil
Hickerson, who was no longer getting over by the
late 80s, at which point Eric Embry (booking
Dallas) decided to repackage him as Vietnamese
mercenary PY Chu-Hi. Yes, you read that right.
The thing that really scares the bejeezus
out of me most nights is that IT GOT OVER. Anyway, this is a Tennessee Street Fight, so girly men need
not apply.
JIP with everyone brawling.
Tommy starts bleeding at the hands of
Gilbert cleans house with what appears to
be a ringbell hammer, but the heels pound them
down and take over.
Jim finally gets in his first shot at
Paul Heyman, three DVDs in, accusing Heyman of
double-crossing Gilbert and stealing ECW out
from under him.
Now we’re just waiting for him to go
off on Russo to complete the cycle.
Everyone is just gushing blood.
Spoiler tries a piledriver on Gilbert,
Spoiler takes his loaded boot off and
beats on everyone with it, but Rich steals it
and returns fire.
Glibert piledrives Spoiler on the floor,
and Rich steals his loaded mask, headbutts
Hickerson with it, and Gilbert gets the pin at
6:18. Got
blood? **1/2 - Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo v. The Rock N Roll Express. Presumably a rematch from Wrestling Gold Vol. 2. Savage comes flying off the top, but gets caught. He bails, and Lanny comes in to try against Gibson. Savage tosses Morton and axehandles him off the top. Back in, Morton gets tossed and takes another dramatic bump to the floor. Savage & Poffo double-team Morton for two. Morton leapfrogs Poffo but walks into a Savage elbow. The punishment continues as Morton bails and they take turns kicking him in the face from the ring apron. Ah, Randy Savage in the days before money and drugs cut his scrotum off. Back in, Morton dives for the tag, but Poffo holds the ankle until Savage goes over to get in Gibson’s face and presumably say things about his mother. More...