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![]() Where Wrestling's Regional History Lives! |
- Scott Keith- - Randy Savage v. Rick Rude. From Memphis, as we near the end of Savage’s run there before he jumped ship to the WWF. Rude runs to start as Savage goes nuts waiting for him. Stalling follows, lots of it. First lockup is 3 minutes in, as they do a test of strength over a top wristlock and Savage grabs the airplane spin right away. Rude falls out of the ring as Dave & Jim cover Savage’s history with Elizabeth. More stalling. Back in, Rude tosses him and introduces him to the post. Rude overpowers him back in the ring and gets a hotshot. Suplex and Rude kinda works the knee, and gets a clothesline. Savage comes back with punching and 10 shots to the turnbuckle. Rude gets tossed and Savage follows with the axehandle as Dave pinponts that as the exact reason why his knees are more worn out than Vince Russo’s booking. Back in, Savage gets a flying bodypress (!), but the ref is off working on his needlepoint or buying nachos or something. King Kong Bundy waddles in, nails Savage with an international object, and Rude steals one at 9:26. I smell a tag match later on. Slow start, but Rude was hanging with Savage after a while. *1/2 Andre the Giant v. The Sheik. From 1974, which is significantly less than 20 years before 1987. Andre pounds him down, and Sheik is already busted open. HUGE headbutt, but the Sheik throws fire and Andre is unable to continue at 2:43. So for anyone who continues to think that Andre really was undefeated for 20 years before Wrestlemania III, there’s your documented proof that the WWF was full of crap. Not that it wasn’t common knowledge or anything, but there seemed to be a contingent of people who thought that there was no evidence of Andre ever losing before Hogan beat him. DUD Pampero Firpo v. Jeff Doney. Looks like late 70s. Firpo was just recently on the "Wrestling with the Past" specials on the Canadian Comedy Network. He kills the poor jobber with a clawhold at 1:36. DUD Bruiser Brody & Scott Casey v. Kelly Kiniski & The Spoiler. The Spoiler here is Don Jardine, the guy who trained Mark Calloway (aka The Undertaker). Kelly Kiniski is the son of ex-NWA legend Gene Kiniski, and in fact my dad knew them when they lived in the same section of Vancouver. Kelly looks uncannily like Kevin Wacholz, the guy better known as Nailz in the WWF. Dave makes a rare boo-boo when discussing the Kiniski family, saying that Nick’s partner Kevin Kelly in the AWA went on to become Nailz. More...