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![]() Where Wrestling's Regional History Lives! |
- Scott Keith- Welcome to the end of my marathon typing session before I go on vacation for a week and a bit, as we’re at the end of the line for Wrestling Gold collection. Nick Bockwinkel v. Terry Allen. This is VERY early in Allen’s career. He of course would go onto much greater fame as Magnum TA. They do some mat stuff to establish parity. Bockwinkel works the arm, and Allen counters with a headlock. Cornette relates the car crash story, and I realize how close we came to eliminating Dusty Rhodes from the wrestling world. Bockwinkel pounds him in the corner, but Allen fires back with a hiptoss and dropkick. Blind charge misses and Bockwinkel slams him and finishes with a piledriver at 6;22. Routine match for Nick. * Ivan Putski v. Eddie Mansfield. Mansfield attacks to start and chokes him down, but not out. Putski smacks him and Mansfield bails. Mansfield, for those who don’t know, made his name on the famous episode of 20/20 where he exposed the business due to a perceived bias against him by wrestling promoters. Which translates to "I didn’t get a push, so I’m gonna rat everyone out, wah wah". I’m kinda shocked Buff Bagwell hasn’t tried that by now. Mansfield gets some jobber offense, but Putski goes nuts and as Cornette rants about Mansfield. A DQ is finally called at 4:43, giving Mansfield the cheap win. DUD Tito Santana v. Kelly Kiniski. From San Antonio near the beginning of Tito’s career. Tito works the arm to start, and that goes on for a while. Dropkick and back to the arm, but Kelly goes low and gets an elbowdrop. Tito legsweeps him and rings his ears for two. Back to the arm. Kneelift and flying double-chop get two. Crossbody gets the pin at 4:48. Squash city. ½* The Sheik v. Tom Jones. Tom is a black power wrestler, not the Irish lounge singer. Although I’m sure he’d be equally flattered if any of the women in the audience threw their underwear at him. Of course, it’s Toronto, so perhaps not. Sheik gets pounded, but goes low, works the arm, and gets a submission with a hammerlock at 1:42. Well, that was rather brisk. DUD Whipper Billy Watson charges in and brawls with the Sheik all the way back to the dressing room. Bobo Brazil v. Michael Angelo. The parade o’ squash continues, as Bobo finishes with the Koko Butt at 3:43. ½* Wahoo McDaniel v. Tully Blanchard. They slug it out and that goes badly for Tully. Wahoo hipblocks him and pounds him in the corner, and we hit the chinlock. Abdominal stretch into a suplex gets two. Tully begs off and then cheapshots him to take over. They slug it out and Wahoo just KILLS Tully in the corner with chops, but Tully cheats again and drops an elbow for two. More chops from Wahoo lead to a double-arm suplex for two. Tully bails to regroup, and they brawl outside for a double-countout at 6:07. Standard TV fare. ** More...