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- Scott Keith
Tape #1: The Best of the WWF #20
- Your hosts are Sean Mooney and Brother Love.
- Opening match: Terry Taylor v. Brooklyn Brawler. Okay, I think this is
stretching the whole "best of" concept just a bit. As always,
I refuse to call him by the name given by the WWF. This is actually a
decent, if unspectacular, match. Steve Lombardi is very carryable.
Taylor controls 90% of the offense until they end up outside the ring
and Taylor goes into the post a couple of times. Lombardi is mainly
kick and punch on offense. Then onto the chinlocks. Ugh, no wonder
Lombardi is a jobber 4 life. Taylor with a belly to back but only gets
two. Small package for two. Backslide for two. More offense from
Lombardi until Taylor catches him with a sunset flip on a charge to the
corner for the pin. The fact that Taylor can carry Lombardi to anything
over * speaks very well of his talents. 1 for 1, but barely.
- Brutus Beefcake v. Bad News Brown. Brown attacks him and chokes him
out with his own jacket. Then he works on the throat some more and
argues with the ref the whole time. Beefcake comes back with some
punches, but Brown ends the offense quickly. Brown continues destroying
Beefcake, but misses a charge to the corner and Beefcake comes back
briefly. Brown back on offense until Beefcake hits the sleeper. Bad News
breaks easily and clotheslines him into unconsciousness, then calls
for the mike and badmouths Beefcake. He grabs the scissors from outside
and fights with the referee about it, allowing Beefcake to roll him up
for the pin. Weak ending. 1 for 2.
- King Haku v. Hacksaw Duggan. For whatever reason, Haku decided to
start "defending" the crown in mid-89. This was his first
defense. Oops. Standard kick and punch mid-card Superstars match, and
it's STILL better than any of those crappy Duggan v. Meng matches we got
this year
in WCW. Haku misses a splash and Duggan nails the three-point stance in
short order to claim the "King of the WWF" pseudo-title. As a
bonus, we
also get the coronation from the week following. Duggan would hold that
esteemed title for, oh, a good month before being squashed by Randy
Savage. Savage would go on to hold the crown until his (first)
retirement in 1991. Ah, Duggan looked like he was having so much fun
I'll be soft and make it 2 for 3.
- 16 man battle royale. Akeem is knocked out fast. The ongoing marriages
pair off with each other (Bret-HTM, Tito-Martel, Taylor-Lombardi, etc).
Curt Hennig is in it so he'll probably win. No one gets knocked out for
a while. Bossman dumps Ax as I type that. Smash dumps HTM and Bossman
dumps Jim Powers. More of the usual battle royale stuff going on.
Richard Charland (a local jobber) and Owen Hart are dumped next. Steve
Lombardi is gone and most of the dead weight is pretty much gone. I'd
bet Hillbilly Jim or Terry Taylor should be next.
Yep, Valentine backdrops him over the top rope while standing on the
apron and then falls off, which eliminates both. Smash pulls out Bossman
and then gets pulled out himself, leaving Martel, Santana,
Hennig, Bret Hart, and Hillbilly Jim. Oops, Jim is gone. So the heels
and faces team up, and holy shit I'd kill to see THAT tag match. We go
Hart v. Hennig and Santana v. Martel. Double whip and Hart/Hennig
collide. Santana tries to push out Martel but Hennig dumps him from
behind, leaving Hart 2 on 1 against the heels. The heels slap him around
for a bit while Tito hangs around ringside and yells encouragement. He
of course pulls down the ropes when Martel comes off and knocks him out.
Hart quickly dumps Hennig to win the thing. Good ending. 3 for 4. More...

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