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![]() Where Wrestling's Regional History Lives! |
- Scott Keith Best of the WWF, #2. - Opening match, WWF tag titles: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson v. Adrian Adonis & Dick Murdoch. Rocky is, of course, the proud papa of the current People's Champion. Remember when Adonis used to be a tough guy? Johnson does all the goofy babyface stuff that Maivia tried and failed to use as a babyface. The heels beat on Atlas for a few minutes until Rocky cleans house, but gets rolled up in a melee by Adonis for a three count. New champions. This was major, Nitro level shock booking in it's time. 1 for 1. - Intercontinental title match: Pedro Morales v. Magnificent Muraco. Pedro was I-C champ, but was pretty much past his prime. Morales just beats the hell out of Muraco until a well-placed low blow turns the tide. Morales retuns the favor. What is this, a Kevin Sullivan match? Pedro bungs up his knee on a charge to the corner. Idiotic move as he gives Muraco a backbreaker on his own bad knee. He tries a slam but the knee caves and Muraco regains the title. Two title changes to start, not bad. 2 for 2. - Pedro Morales v. Killer Kowalski. More old-school stuff, with a capital O. Kowalski is the guy who trained both HHH and Chyna. This is mainly Killer working on Pedro's leg and stomach with the claw. I still don't get what was so great about Pedro. Things get a wee bit out of control and the ref calls a no-contest. Bleh. 2 for 3. - MIDGET MADNESS!! Hey, I don't write these titles, the WWF does. Jamaica Kid & Billy The Kid v. Sky Lowlow & Little Brutus. It's a damn midget match, close your eyes and pick any four midgets and it's the same damn match. 2 for 4. - MIDGET DEMENTIA!! Okay, I wrote that one. Sky Lowlow & Little Brutus v. Joey Russel & Sunny Boy Hayes. When you're watching midget jobbers, it's time to fast forward. 2 for 5. - Chief Jay Strongbow v. Professor Toru Tanaka. Clash of the racial stereotypes, yikes. How did fat-ass Strongbow ever get over or pushed? I'll never forgive the WWF for making me sit through, like, 4 matches featuring the flabby Indians on the tag title video. Strongbow with the devastating big chop. Sigh. 2 for 6. - Mean Gene sings "Tutti Frutti" with Hulk on bass. This was from the original Wrestling Album, and I GUARANTEE you that this goes on Netcop Busts Vol. II. More...