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![]() Where Wrestling's Regional History Lives! |
- Scott Keith - Live from Toronto, Ontario in the CNE Stadium before about 70,000 people. - Your hosts are Gorilla Monsoon, Johnny Valiant and Ernie Ladd. - Opening match: The Killer Bees v. Jimmy Jack Funk & Hoss (Dory) Funk. I swear the Bees were in every opening match from 1984 to 1989. This is 12 years ago and Dory still looks ancient. Jimmy Jack is former Florida star Jesse Barr, brother of Art. Loads of stalling here. B. Brian Blair is the talented one who gained greater fame by smashing his knees into Brutus Beefcake's face in a parasailing accident and ending his career (or so we thought). Match is thankfully clipped to the finish, as the Bees do the switcheroo with the masks, allowing Jim Brunzell to pin Jimmy Jack. The Bees would never, ever, get over today. Ever. * - Magnificent Muraco v. King Tonga/Haku. Haku is built like a cruiserweight at this point. Announcers can't decide whether to call him Tonga or Haku, which is why I have it as both. :) Haku used to be really good, actually, of which this match is not a good example. Non-stop wristlock here. The resthold segment is mercifully clipped down a bit. Muraco is nicely into his fat and lazy period. Not much to say about this, as Muraco works on the leg a bunch and stalls. Haku with a quick comeback and flying bodypress, but the time limit expires. 1/2* - Ted Arcidi v. Tony Garea. Whatever to happened to Arcidi? Garea is currently a member of the Vince Butt-Kissers Club, and I'm surprised we haven't seen any vignettes of *him* yet. Goldberg fans take note: Arcidi was the *bomb* in 1986. He even had his own LJN figure. I had it, too. Arcidi, for those not familiar with him, is this huge monster ex-bodybuilder who has the Steve DiSalvo look going (of course, most reading this probably aren't familiar with him, either...) and who was on the fast track in the WWF before disappearing. Garea stupidly trades power moves with him and gets killed as a result. Quick bearhug for the submission. DUD. - Mean Gene interviews Jimmy Hart, segueing into... - "Adorable" Adrian Adonis v. Junkyard Dog. Crap. They both suck so badly that the ref has no choice but to count both their fat asses out. -** - Iron Mike Sharpe v. Dick Slater. Sharpe is, of course, the World's Loudest Jobber. AAAAGH! AAAGH! MY ARM! AAGH! I'm just building a mental picture here for those who don't know who he is. All Canadian fans are, of course, intimately acquainted with his routine. Slater's not as terrible at this point in his career as he would become later. Elbow from the top and rollup for the win. *1/2 More...