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- Scott Keith
Best of the WWF, #2.
- Opening match, WWF tag titles: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson v.
Adrian Adonis & Dick Murdoch. Rocky is, of course, the proud papa of
the current People's Champion. Remember when Adonis used to be a tough
guy? Johnson does all the goofy babyface stuff that Maivia tried and
failed to
use as a babyface. The heels beat on Atlas for a few minutes until Rocky
cleans house, but gets rolled up in a melee by Adonis for a three
count. New champions. This was major, Nitro level shock booking in it's
time. 1 for 1.
- Intercontinental title match: Pedro Morales v. Magnificent Muraco.
Pedro was I-C champ, but was pretty much past his prime. Morales just
beats the hell out of Muraco until a well-placed low blow turns the
tide. Morales retuns the favor. What is this, a Kevin Sullivan match?
Pedro bungs up his knee on a charge to the corner. Idiotic move as he
gives Muraco a backbreaker on his own bad knee. He tries a slam but the
knee caves and Muraco regains the title. Two title changes to start, not
bad. 2 for 2.
- Pedro Morales v. Killer Kowalski. More old-school stuff, with a
capital O. Kowalski is the guy who trained both HHH and Chyna. This is
mainly Killer working on Pedro's leg and stomach with the claw. I still
don't get what was so great about Pedro. Things get a wee bit out of
control and the ref calls a no-contest. Bleh. 2 for 3.
- MIDGET MADNESS!! Hey, I don't write these titles, the WWF does.
Jamaica Kid & Billy The Kid v. Sky Lowlow & Little Brutus. It's
a damn midget match, close your eyes and pick any four midgets and it's
the same damn match. 2 for 4.
- MIDGET DEMENTIA!! Okay, I wrote that one. Sky Lowlow & Little
Brutus v. Joey Russel & Sunny Boy Hayes. When you're watching midget
jobbers, it's time to fast forward. 2 for 5.
- Chief Jay Strongbow v. Professor Toru Tanaka. Clash of the racial
stereotypes, yikes. How did Strongbow ever get over or pushed?
I'll never forgive the WWF for making me sit through, like, 4 matches
featuring the Indians on the tag title video. Strongbow with the
devastating big chop. Sigh. 2 for 6.
- Mean Gene sings "Tutti Frutti" with Hulk on bass. This was
from the original Wrestling Album, and I GUARANTEE you that this goes on
Netcop Busts Vol. II.
- Intercontintal title: Tito Santana v. Paul Orndorff. People were
actually doing the Paula chant in 84, cool. Gorilla hypes this as a
classic, but it's a classic in the same sense as most Nitros are the
greatest in the history of our sport. 4 minutes of stalling and a
5-minute armbar to start. Must be a draw. Orndorff spends way too much
time standing around in between spots. Good hot ending saves it as they
trade near falls with a slow referee, and sure enough Orndorff gets one
last two count before the time runs out. It was decent enough. 3 for 7.
- A quick collection of "surprise endings." Included are Rocky
Johnson getting DQ'd against Don Muraco for popping the referee, Freddie
getting caught in the ropes and counted out against Bobo Brazil, Andre
getting pissed at a masked jobber and unmasking him, and Tony Garea/Rick
Martel going over the Moondogs when special ref Gorilla Monsoon takes
out a Moondog. More...

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Belt Gallery 4
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School Tape Review 4
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