Territories 4
section contains monthly articles on over two dozen territories. To
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this section for bios/profiles of various wrestlers from the regional
days. To find more out about your favorite pro wrestler, click here.
section contains stories from the pros themselves told exclusively
to Kayfabe Memories. Want to know more as told from the wrestlers
themselves? Click here.
School Book Reviews4
here to find various book reviews from old school
Links 4
tons of links to old school related sites, click here.
Micro Wrestlers4
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Interviews... 4
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Vince Fahey
Nelson Scott
Simpson, better known to wrestling fans as Nikita Koloff, dreamed about
being a professional football player. Throughout high school and
college, this was his goal. However, due to several injuries and a small
twist of fate, he ended up becoming a professional wrestler.
Lucky us.
Nikita Koloff, especially as a heel, was a monster in the ring. With
his large stature, bald head, ominous glare, and guttural Russian
language, Koloff was not someone a fan wanted to meet in a dark
alleyway. However, within a few years of his debut, Koloff ended up
turning face, and becoming one of the most beloved heroes in pro
It started back in 1984…. Simpson had graduated from college and
was looking to enter the NFL. He moved to Georgia and lived with a
friend who just happened to be a pro wrestler with Georgia Championship
Wrestling. As Simpson went to matches with his friend, he came very
interested in the sport, attending matches whenever he could while
continuing to work out during the day. After a brief time, he moved back
north to be closer to his family. Gordon Solie, famed wrestling
announcer and a friend of Simpson's, had been able to line up a tryout
with the USFL's Tampa Bay Bandits. At the same time, Simpson got a call
from another friend, Road Warrior Animal, who told him that Jim Crockett
Promotions was looking for new wrestlers. Though Simpson had zero
wrestling experience, he called Crockett, figuring if nothing else, he
still had a tryout with the Bandits. Crockett and Simpson spoke and the
eventual outcome was that Simpson was to report to Crockett in early
June with his head shaved.
Crockett was impressed with
Simpson's build. At the time, he stood around 6'2", and weighed in
at 285 pounds of cut muscle. Crockett set Simpson up with veteran pro
wrestlers Ivan Koloff and Don Kernoodle. Koloff was, of course, an evil
Russian and Kernoodle was a U.S. traitor. At the time, they were the NWA
World Tag Team champions, and they were looking for a third person
to join them. Simpson fit the bill. He was brought in as Nikita Koloff,
nephew to Ivan… he learned to look mean and speak with a garbled
accent that was supposed to sound Russian. And he was about to become a
professional wrestler. More...

DVD/VHS Store 4
Click here to purchase DVD or VHS
products direct from the official distributors.
Replica Masks 4
Click here
to purchase pro quality replica wrestling masks of all your favorite
old school masked wrestlers.
Store 4
The KM Store now features products featuring the GCW logo as well as
some other very cool images. To see what's new and to purchase
T-Shirts, ball caps, mouse pads and more, click
Message Board 4
to chat with other fans of regional wrestling? This message board
has forums for over two dozen promotions. Click here.
Belt Gallery 4
section contains an extensive title belt gallery... images of heavyweight,
tag, U.S. and various regional title belts. To view it,
click here.
School Tape Review 4
of various PPV's, commercial tapes and regional wrestling TV shows
are available in this section. To read more, click here.
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